How to Work with Epoxy Resin with Ease

Resin Epoxy is pretty cheap and convenient to have, especially since it has a lot of uses. You can use it on metal to prevent it from rusting or apply it on top of countertops to make it more durable. It’s really easy to use epoxy resin as long as you follow these simple tips.

Use Protective Gear

Being directly exposed to the liquid form of epoxy resin can be harmful, irritating the eyes and skin, and affect your respiratory system. It’s always advised to use protective gear such as rubber gloves and safety goggles before working with such substances, to avoid any damage to your health. 

Work in Ventilated Area

Before starting your project, you want to make sure that the area you’re working with is well ventilated. You don’t want to breathe too much of the fumes, or it may cause long term respiratory complications. As much as possible, you want to find an open area when using epoxy resins. If you have a limited amount of space, utilizing a fan and opening your windows can help ventilate your area.

Prepare Your Materials in Advance

Working with epoxy resin can be time-sensitive because it can immediately harden once you’ve already mixed it. Before anything else, you want to make sure that you’ve already gathered and organized all the supplies you need. You’ll be needing materials like mixing implements, buckets, brushes, or rollers to apply the epoxy.

Clean the Surface You’ll Work On

Another important tip is to clean the surface where you’ll apply the epoxy. Whether you’ll use it on the floor, chair, countertops, or others, you’ll have to keep the surface clean and remove any dust or dirt that can get trapped on the resin. Doing this will help the effectiveness of your resin and achieve a smooth coat on your surface. You can use warm water and regular dish soap for this process, and wipe it down with a mop or rag.

Work with epoxy resin with ease and transform your surfaces and furniture to look brand new. Follow the tips we’ve provided the next time you’ll have a project.